Monday, February 24, 2014

Word Prediction Software

Since communication is now the main focus, the next blogs will be focused on AT that can be used for all types of students.

Word prediction software is used to assist students who have difficulty with writing, spelling, grammar, or students with motor and communication impairments.  This program predicts a word the student may want to use in their sentence when the first letter or letters are typed.  Once the first letter is typed, a list of words appear on a prediction list.  If the desired word is on the list, the student then picks the word by visually identifying the word or by moving the cursor over each word to listen to it.  Over time, the program gets to know the student and will predict words they use more commonly.

This video is a tutorial on ClaroRead Word Prediction for Macs.


1 comment:

  1. Mia, I really like the video you posted! Thanks for the info!
