Monday, March 10, 2014

IEP and AT

AT devices are an important aspect of a student’s success but an IEP is the building blocks of a student’s success.  The next couple posts will focus on IEPs, their goals, and AT devices that help meet these goals.

AT, as defined in previous posts, is a device or piece of equipment that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the capabilities of children with disabilities.  AT also includes services that assists children in the selection, purchasing, or use of the AT device.  IDEA states that very student that has an IEP should be considered for AT devices and services by the IEP team.  The process of assessing if a child needs AT devices or services is a continual process.

I am studying to be an educator knowing that the students’ success always comes first.  For some students to succeed, they need AT devices.  This important information can be used when I am part of an IEP team myself.


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