Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Naturally Speaking Voice Recognition Software

Naturally speaking voice recognition software is a great AT device for students that have poor fine motor skills or trouble using a keyboard.  Dragon is a popular speech recognition software that turns your talk into text on a computer.  This program can create documents, catch ideas, email, search the web, and control programs by voice commands.  Students can use Dragon to write papers, take notes in class, and do research all by simply speaking.

Below is an informational video on Dragon in action!

Books on CD

Books on CD are generally used for English Language Learners, struggling readers, or students with learning disabilities to enjoy books and access literature.  Not only students listed above, but ALL students can benefit from books on CD.  These audiobooks can introduce students to books above their reading level, model good interpretive reading, teach critical listening skills, introduce new genres and vocabulary, and model how to read aloud properly.

Here are some website that have audiobooks for free!

Below is a YouTube video reading of "Ickle Me, Pickle Me, Tickle Me Too" by Shel Silverstein.


ABC Touch Tablet

The electronic ABC Touch Tablet is for children ages three to six to learn the alphabet and feel cool with a tablet just like their older sibling.  This tablet features oversized colorful touch icons and is sleek and light for children to hold and play with.  It also includes activities that engage students into learning with six interactive alphabet games teaching letter names, sounds, and spelling.  The ABC Touch Tablet also offers a bilingual setting.

Below is a fun video on how the electronic ABC Touch Tablet works!


Type to Lear

Learning to type is beneficial for ALL students.  Since computers are so widely used in the classroom, typing on a keyboard is an important skill.  Type to Learn 4 is the newest program out to help students learn how to use the keyboard.  This program gives age appropriate instruction that teaches students how to use keyboard appropriately.  Type to Learn divides the keyboard into left and right hand keys and has three games that encourage students to type.  Games include students practicing using the appropriate hand for certain keys, locating a letter on the keyboard, and identify and type sets of letter rhyming words.


Voice Output Communication Device

Voice Output Communication Aids, VOCAs, are devices used by students who are unable to speak or whose speech is unable to be understood.  These devices generate printed or spoken text for the user to help with their communication needs.  There are two types of VOCAs, dedicated communication devices and communication software programs.  Dedicated communication devices are designed for communication as their main purpose and are available in text or symbol based programs.  Communication software programs can be installed to a computer and also come in text or symbol based.  This software can be customized for the individual’s needs and should be updated regularly as the individual’s needs change.
