Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Low-Tech and Mid-Tech Adaptions

There are so many low-tech and mid-tech adaptions that can assist students with disabilities in completing math assignments.  These AT devices range from stamps to calculators.

A useful low-tech tool can be as simple as addition and multiplication charts.  Onion Mountain Technology makes more intricate tools for students with disabilities.  They have “fraction rubber stamps, a manipulative number line, laminated addition and multiplication tables, and a special ruler that has multiple transparent overlays to help students understand the relationship between the different units of measure” (Dell, Newton, & Petroff, 2012).  Calculators with large oversized buttons help students with poor fine motor control.  Students with learning disabilities and visual impairments can use talking calculators to help them check their work by reading aloud every keystroke the student enters.  There are also calculators that show the entire math problem on the screen.  This is beneficial for students because they can see their own work.

Below is the See N' Solve made by Onion Mountain Technology.

Being a math teacher, knowing the tools that can help your students is key.  I hope to utilize all the low-tech and mid-tech adaptions I can; whatever to help my students be successful.

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