Monday, April 14, 2014

That's All Folks

From when I began this class, I never heard of universal design for learning, UDL, or even assistive technology, AT.  Now that I have a clear understanding of each and have explored many different AT devices I can use in my classroom and match to students with specific disabilities.  This information will only strength my instruction and help my students succeed.

From my earlier posts to now, I have found that, personally, I am much more comfortable writing my blogs.  In the beginning, I found myself having to look more information up before I could write a concise blog.  Earlier in my blog, I had to research what talking word processor software was.  Once I gained that knowledge, I was able to look at Sarah’s IEP and determine that talking word processing software was the device she needed.  I was then able to find two devices that would suit her needs.

My adventure of assistive technology is coming to an end but this is only one chapter in my book of education.  Learning is a never ending journey and I continue to keep an open mind in learning about teaching techniques and assistive technology devices that are up and coming.

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