Monday, April 14, 2014

Tech Matrix

As mentioned before, another useful tool for teachers is called Tech Matrix,  This is targeted more for teachers than a game for students.  This website allows teachers to enter the subject, grade, IDEA disability category, and the type instruction support they wish to seek for their student.  Upon entering all the information, a range of products that can be used for that particular student shows up.  To compare all of these products to find which one best fits your student, simply check all the product boxes and click compare.  A matrix will appear outlining and comparing every product.

I searched for alternative access devices and systems for a student with Autism in a middle school mathematics class.  I received four results and generated my matrix.  Below, only part of my matrix can be found because it was a very lengthy matrix, showing how in-depth they compare products.

I think this is a great website for teachers.  It finds products that one may have never heard of for a particular student.  I definitely recommend this to all!

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