Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Designed Augmentative Communication Systems

To meet the communication demands of the home and community, the student’s augmentative communication system can be designed for these environments.  For the home, as mentioned before, training for family members can help.  In the community, field trips can be set up by the teacher to improve the awareness of the augmentative communication system as well as letting the student work with someone who does not know very much about the augmentative communication system.

Students who use an augmentative communication system can also have designed boards to match the communication needs for each activity.  There are so many resources out there to help with the design of augmentative communication systems for activities in school, home, and the community.  Below is an example of a communication board needed for a cooking activity.

1 comment:

  1. Mia,
    I love your explanation of augmentative communication systems. Your images give a clear understand of the concept! Great job!
