Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Special Education Technology

The Learning Centre on the SET website is a great resource that provides educators with a guide to successfully implement AT devices for students with disabilities.  This can be a very complex process and can take years to perfect.  Successful implementation of AT devices for a student depends on the careful attention to the implementation steps.  Making It Work: Effective Implementation of Assistive Technology Guide breaks this process down into seven sections along with an introduction and references and recourses in PDFs for anyone to open.

The first section focuses on gathering the information you need about the student.  The second section establishes IEP Goals, the third conducts assistive technology trials, the fourth identifies assistive technology solution, section five develops assistive technology Implementation Plan, the sixth adapts lesson plans for the integration of technology, and finally, the seventh section is about following up and planning transition.

Making It Work: Effective Implementation of Assistive Technology Guide can be found at the link below.

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