Tuesday, April 1, 2014

MathPad and MathPad Plus

Students with disabilities can have trouble with writing numbers, aligning digits, and creating shapes or angles.  Some students that have visual-spatial or motor control issues can have trouble copying math problems from the chalkboard or book making the results of these problems hard or impossible to read.

There are tools out there for students that have trouble with visual-spatial or motor control difficulties.  MathPad, it is a talking worksheet that lets students complete arithmetic computations with whole numbers just like using pencil and paper, an example can be found below.

MathPad Plus has all the features of MathPad but allows a student to compute with decimals and fractions.  A option is given for students to see a problem represented as pie charts, fraction bars, or decimal grids, which can be beneficial to visual learners.  A picture of MathPad Plus can be seen below.

There are so many different tools out there for students with visual-spatial or motor control disabilities.  MathPad and MathPad Plus can help students of all ages depending what they are learning.  At a younger age, MathPad is perfect to help these students.  As they get older, MathPad Plus can help when learning decimals and fractions since they already know how the program works.

1 comment:

  1. Mia,

    I think MathPad and MathPad Plus are great tools that can be used in any classroom and with various learners; especially those with learning disabilities. The idea of a talking worksheet is great for students who have learning disabilities in math, as well as those who have difficulty computing numbers. Great job...Thanks for sharing!
