Thursday, March 6, 2014

AT Consideration in the IEP Process

Another module I completed on the Assistive Technology Internet Modules website was the AT Consideration in the IEP Process.

In this module, the most important thing I found is the process for consideration for AT within the IEP process.  Before AT can be considered, the IEP team must “clearly identify the unique needs of the student and identify the tasks to be performed in the educational program” (OCALI, 2014).  Another important aspect for the AT consideration team is to ask questions about the student and their characteristics in the classroom.  Such questions include if the student needs AT to meaningfully participate in the classroom and what is expected of the student that they are currently unable to do and how AT would solve this problem.

This information is useful when I am a teacher because if I suspect a student is having trouble and may be AT, then I will be able to bring my knowledge of the student to the team meeting.

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