Monday, March 24, 2014


Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Steven is a four-year-old boy diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder. His placement is in an Early Childhood classroom. He is able to understand and comprehend when spoken to, but does not communicate his needs consistently. When choices are simplified and broken into steps, Steven will try to communicate wants and needs. Peer interactions are limited.

Annual goal: Steven will use a picture board or voice output device to express wants and needs to adults and peers in both home and school at least four times each day.

The picture board above can be used by Steven to help him achieve his annual goal of expressing his wants and needs to adults and peers both at home and in the classroom.  From this board, he can clearly state "I want more to eat" or "I want help."  This picture board can be small and easily transported from home to school and vice versa.

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