Thursday, March 6, 2014

Automatic Speech Recognition

On Assistive Technology Internet Modules, Automatic Speech Recognition module was helpful in explaining what it is, who it helps, and why use it.

ASR, automatic speech recognition, is a computer application that allows students to control the computer using speech instead of typing.  In a previously post, I spoke about an example of this program, Dragon Naturally Speaking.  This program allows students to write notes and papers using their voice.  ASR has many benefits for students with motor or physical disabilities.  This tool can be used as an alternative system for writing, help students with spelling so they can focus more on the content they are writing, and get students’ ideas down quickly.

As an educator, knowing about ASR programs can help a multitude of students.  By implementing an ASR program, students can avoid the frustration that comes with not being able to write their own notes, misspelling, or forgetting ideas.

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