Monday, March 10, 2014

iPad Apps for Autistic and Nonverbal Children

We have been talking a lot about AT devices that can be used for students with disabilities and iPads are another great AT device!

iPads can be used for so many different students because of the apps that have been developed over the years.  The use of the iPad in the classroom can teach students how certain tasks are done.  Social stories contain pictures and narration on how a task is done.  These stories can be watched or created by students themselves.  An app that can be used on the iPad for nonverbal students is Speak It.  This app gives options for what a student needs to say and gives them the independence to “talk” and hold a conversation.

Being that iPads and iPhones are part of my everyday life, using an iPad in the classroom would be great!  There are so many apps that can be used, from creating music to telling a story to simply replying to a question with a yes or no.  Next, I will discuss how parents, students, and teachers view the use of iPads in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Mia, this is a great post! I agree that iPads and other technologies are a part of our every day lives, as well as our students, so why not incorporate them into our lessons? I believe that as long the apps being used are directly related to what the goals/objective of the lesson is, then it would be a great tool to utilize! Good job!
