Wednesday, March 26, 2014


WordQ is a read aloud program that helps students improve comprehension and proofreading skills.  It works with many programs such as any web browser, Facebook, Word, Notepad, emails, and instant messaging.  Students who struggle with writing or for a student who wants to expand their vocabulary, this program’s writing prediction capability makes it fun, exciting, and engaging to write for students.

The auditory proofreading allows students to hear how their sentence is written.  Being able to hear their sentences is a proven way to help develop grammar, spelling, pronunciation, and comprehension skills.  Students can also edit, correct, and improve personal writing through this program as well.

WordQ runs about one hundred dollars for the personal edition.  I think this program could be very beneficial for all students.  By hearing their written work aloud, they can hear their errors and make the corrections.

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