Monday, March 24, 2014


I previously talked about Eric and how he can use a laptop or portable word processor to write his assignments 100% of the time.  You can read about Sarah’s IEP below.

Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance: Sarah can use eye gaze fairly successfully to indicate her wants and needs when items are appropriately displayed so that her communication partner can tell what she is gazing at. She currently makes a grunting sound to greet others, to get attention, and to represent both yes and no. She has recently been using a four-message output device and is having some success at making choices. Sarah travels independently about the school in her power chair.

Annual Goal: Sarah will interact with others in the school environment in four out of five opportunities to indicate her preferences and needs using voice output devices and eye gaze strategies.
Sarah can use these two communication devices above.  The first is a symbol based voice output device where Sarah can pick the picture that associates to her answer and will speak it aloud.  The second is a text to speech device.  This voice output device can store frequently used words or phrases that can be accessed by two or three key combinations.  Both of these voice output devices can be attached to her power chair.

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